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Selectmen Minutes 04/07/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 7, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Bette Bogdan, Richard Halloran, Alan Mayville, Barbara Frangione, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Carolee Davison, Michelle Plunkett, Paul Twomey, Karen Lingner, Holly MacCleery, Jamie Pike, Todd Hammond, Lindsay Holden, and Ken Smith

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:02pm
Department Heads: Gilbert Vien, Fire Chief; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Jim Plunkett, Road Agent; John Dever, Building Inspector; John Martell, Emergency Management Director, Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk/Tax Collector

HYW - The stop sign on Granny Howe Road will be removed, the yield sign will remain.
Jim showed pictures depicting the headwalls pulling away on one of the con spans installed on Center Road. Jim has contacted a representative from White Mountain Precast to come out and make an assessment. The highway crew will be working on the washout damage along the shoulders of Center Road this week.

Jim will be attending the State Salt Procurement Meeting on April 16th.  Granite State Minerals has already stated their intent to holding their price from last year.

Jim and John Martell will be meeting again with Bruce from FEMA regarding reimbursement for tree damage removal as a result of the December ë08í ice storm.

Chairman MacCleery relayed information he received from caller Duford regarding rocks left in the roadway after grading on Hilliard Road.  Chairman MacCleery informed the Road Agent that he and his crew need to make sure they do not leave rocks and debris in the roadways.

Procedure for current pricing for materials was discussed.  Chairman MacCleery would like new pricing every April to keep the bidding policy current.  This has been past practice as well.  Jim suggested soliciting quotes for 200 yards of material at a time.  This was agreeable to the Board.

The Board would like the Road Agent to assess the possibility of removing the old pavement at the Community Building in preparation for new pavement when the Board goes out to bid on the parking lot project.  Jim will discuss the project with Historical Society member Bernie Reinhardt.  

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BOS minutes
April 7, 2009

Lisa shared comments relayed from a phone conversation with Ann Graham expressing her gratitude for the response and professionalism experienced with the new road agent.

Barbara Frangione stated she appreciated the highway crew removing the road material from her front lawn.

TC - Evelyn informed the Board regarding the option of executing a Deed Waiver on property identified as map 4, lot 45.   The Board will take this issue under advisement and respond to the Tax Collector with a decision.

BI - Mr. Dever has contacted Mr. Pinckney who has declined permission for an inspection of his home by the town.  Mr. Pinckney stated that both the Fire Chief and the Police Chief have visited in home within the last six months.  Chief Vien stated no, he had not; Mr. Pinckneyís woodstove has not inspected by the town.  

Mr. Mullaney has received notification of two building permit expirations.  These lots have sold recently with one permit being reissued to the new builder.  Email documentation will verify Mr. Mullaneyís knowledge of the time frame.

The first electrical permit has been issued.

The barn located on 7 Connemara Drive has been completely sided.

Mr. Dever and Selectman DeBold are scheduled to meet next Tuesday to finalize the draft Commercial Occupancy Permit.

PD - Chief Clarke clarified that the projected costs given to Selectman DeBold for 24 hour coverage around the Durgin Road area was quoted at full time rate, not part time rate.

Portland Group has given plumber Bob Gagne a heat study based on the measurements and needs existing at the police department.  Based on these calculations, the existing furnace that currently heats just the two bays, is adequate, with proper ducting, to supply heat to the entire downstairs of the building. The rooftop unit will not be needed to heat the basement level. Mr. Gagne has begun running the ductwork through the bays and is looking into a circulation unit to address the ventilation issue. To date, Mr. Gagne has donated in excess of one hundred hours of labor and in Patís opinion; this should be given consideration when hiring out the furnace replacement work.

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BOS minutes
April 7, 2009

EMD - Mr. Martell inquired if the town was participating in the DPW Mutual Aid Compact.  At this time, no.  This compact has been discussed at the FEMA meetings.    It may prove beneficial for the town to belong.  Mr. Plunkett will look into this arrangement.

FD - Chief Vien commented that his new Nextel phone will not keep a charge, he can not get a signal at his home and over the weekend he experienced no service at all and had to use the Verizon phone on the ambulance. Mr. Vien was instructed to notify the Nextel representative to resolve these issues.  

The highway department is not interested in the Arc Air Unit.  No decision was made on the outstanding offer to purchase.

Library - Trustee Lucille Noel shared pictures with the Board of recent damage to the railing, siding and retaining wall at the library due to winter plowing.  The railing has been struck before and shored up by Mr. Reinhardt.  Chairman MacCleery offered to have the railing and siding repaired as is, if something different is wanted, that cost will have to come from the library budget.  It was suggested that the Building Inspector exam the damage and determine what is acceptable for weight load for the railing.  The highway department will handle the repairs to the retaining wall.  

Department concerns surrounding the current grounds keeping vendor were solicited from all departments.  Concerns cited were: mowing around the branch and debris pile at the library lawn; Fire Chief not happy at all with the current vendor citing no trimming was done around the sign at the Safety Building, stating the individual would not get off the mower to trim and the department had to trim all season. Chairman MacCleery clarified that the bid no longer includes funding for spring maintenance and that is why the brush pile is not taken care of.  The need to add Thunder Bridge to a new bid was discussed.  At present, abutters on both sides are taking care of the mowing needs. These concerns will be discussed with the current vendor prior to any action being taken for this year.

Subject: Planning Board vacancy
Present: Mike Valotto  
The Board met with Mr. Valotto to discuss his interest in becoming a member of the PB.  Mike is currently a computer engineer with familiarity with reading and understanding plans and specifications.  Mike has recently joined the schoolís Technology Committee. Mr. Valotto comes from a big city and moved to Chichester for the small town appeal commenting that Chichester is a bedroom community and he hopes to keep it that way.
Selectman DeBold stated the Board is seeking applicants that will be engaged in the process.

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BOS minutes
April 7, 2009

Chairman MacCleery posed, how do you feel about businesses that reside in the business zone? Mr. Valottoís reply was that he was in favor of business that lies within the commercial zones. Mr. Valotto has not attended a PB meeting and is not familiar with the Zoning Ordinance as yet.
Subject: CIP Committee vacancy
Present: Matt Cole

The Board asked Mr. Cole why he was interested in joining the Capital Improvements Program Committee.  Mr. Cole stated his career path is municipal management and that he is looking for practical experience and also that he wishes to help out the team, he would like to learn how the pieces fit and see the whole picture.  Matt is very active in the fire department and is involved in town happenings. Chairman MacCleery inquired whether or not Mr. Cole would be able to separate himself and look at the whole picture, where all the money needs to be spent and clarified that this was in no way a presumption of Mr. Cole having an agenda. Mr. Cole responded that yes, he could step outside the fire department and be a town resident on the CIP.


Chairman MacCleery stated that he had met with the Road Agent and discussed the concerns raised regarding the Road Agentís reported work history.  Mr. Plunkett stated he was willing to answer one question but was not going to tolerate a peppering of questions, what he referred to as an extraneous review or fishing expedition. Mr. Plunkett further stated he was not going to be a guinea pig, we all (Board & He) agreed on a six month review.  Paul Twomey, attending on Mr. Plunkettís behalf, recommended to the Board that any discussion on this matter be held in non-public session and that by treating Mr. Plunkett as an employee, he should be afforded the right to discuss this matter with the Board in private session.  The Board deferred further discussion for this evening and will clarify with counsel the proper forum to hold this discussion.

Mr. Twomey would like to cut trees along his property that front a Class VI road.  The Board concurred that Mr. Twomey was allowed to do so.

Lindsay Holden submitted a petition that contained forty-seven signatures requesting the Selectmen provide twenty-four hour police surveillance to the Durgin Road area while Mr. Guay is living in town. Ms. Holden stated the amount of signatures is significant for a small town and represent a diverse group of people from all areas of town.  Ms. Holden stated she has learned a lot through this process has talked extensively with Chief Clarke and realizes that we cannot target Mr. Guay; she is just here to share the concerns of a lot of parents and is trying to be proactive.  
Ms. Holden asked the Selectmen to consider a compromise such as extra coverage during the time when school gets out and children may be going home alone, if there was not money in the budget for 24/7 coverage, and commented that perhaps police presence was a better word to request than surveillance.  Ms. Holden invited the Board to attend a meeting establishing a neighborhood watch.  The meeting is taking place at the Safety Building on Wednesday evening with Chief Clarke attending to share resources and information.  

Chief Clarke stated that anything we do beyond what we do now will cost the town money explaining that additional watch after school will be difficult as any part time help currently works a full time job already.  Chief Clarke cautioned about committing to special surveillance at that one house, it is a double edged sword, the town can not infringe upon an individualís rights.

Selectman DeBold asked the Chief if he has talked with probation officer Tarr recently about the relocation efforts for Mr. Guay.  Pat has not spoken to Mr. Tarr but has spoken to the parole officer assigned to Mr. Guay.  Selectman DeBold has heard that the Federal Government has now established a half way house on Manchester, NH.  

Selectman Jordan inquired about what liability the town would be under if they sanctioned a neighborhood watch.  Paul Twomey cautioned that in his experience neighborhood watches are dangerous and not something the town wants to get caught up in.  

Chief Clarke responded that this is not dangerous, that he is not a part of the neighborhood watch and not sanctioning anything.  Ms. Holden stated that the guidelines from the police department are very helpful and that research shows that neighborhood watches can be very beneficial and are sanctioned by many law enforcement agencies across the country.  Ms. Holden emphasized that it is not the groupís intention to sit at the Pinckney residence; the neighbors have wanted to do something like this for years.  Chief Clarke added that this can be a great thing, additional eyes and ears to notice when something in the neighborhood seems out of place, the police department can be notified and follow up.    In closing, Ms. Holden asked what happens next.  The Board stated they will review and this will be discussed at the next Selectmenís meeting.

Matt Cole thanked the Board for their assistance will obtaining the No Parking signs in front of his property.  Since their installation, he has noted considerable improvement with vehicles parking on his front lawn.  

Warden Stock stopped into the meeting and was available to address any questions or concerns from the Board.  There were none for his department.

The Fire Chief requested a non-public session with the Board to address a personnel matter.

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BOS minutes
April 7, 2009

Selectman Jordan moved to enter into non-public session at 8:46pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II, a, to discuss a personnel matter.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, the chairman called for the vote.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  All were in favor, motion carried.  

Motion Chairman MacCleery, second Selectman DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five (5) years.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

At 8:59pm, Selectman DeBold moved to return to public session, seconded by Chairman MacCleery.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Selectman Jordan moved to appoint Kevin Mara as a full voting member of the Planning Board.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold moved to appoint Mike Valotto as an alternate Planning Board member.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

No action was taken this evening on the reappointment of PB member McIntosh.

Lisa shared the invoice to the Milletteís for mailbox replacement and the memo from Mr. Millette, dated in February 2009, after the Board had adopted the Winter Maintenance Policy.  Selectman Jordan moved to reimburse Mike Mobbs $50.00 for his damaged mailbox.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  The motion failed by a 2 - 1 vote.  Selectman DeBold would like to research the minutes for further information regarding what prompted the memo from Mr. Millette that resulted in the reimbursement for the Milletteís mailbox.

Selectman DeBold has been in touch with Weathervane executive Gagnon, who has informed Selectmen DeBold that an electrician will be hired to adjust the light that is shining into the residence on Limerick Drive.  Mr. Gagnon indicated a time frame of two weeks for this matter to be resolved.  Selectman DeBold will update the homeowners.

Selectman Jordan will follow up on the unregistered vehicles at the Doucette residence, Selectman DeBold will follow up on the unregistered vehicles at the Patten residence.  

Selectman Jordan has spoken to Pittsfield Selectmen Vien regarding the finalization of the perambulation.  A date has not been set.  

Selectman DeBold will finalize the specifications for the Safety Building HVAC systems.  At this point it sounds like only the rooftop unit will need to go out for bid.

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BOS minutes
April 7, 2009

The Board deferred finalizing the Mileage Policy until next week.

Todd Hammond offered on behalf of his wife, assistance with drafting a wage scale for town employees, as this is her career field in the corporate sector.  No action was taken on this item this evening.

The Board directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with the Space Needs Committee to discuss the expansion of the groups focus to include space needs at all town buildings in preparation for future capital improvement needs.

Lisa brought the need to establish negotiations for the Cable Franchise to the Boardís attention and asked Mr. Twomey if he could assist with the project. The current contract extension expires in April of 2010.  

Ms. Frangione inquired the status of the letter to NHDOT regarding tractor trailer use on Main Street and reported an instance she witnessed of a truck whipping into the grange parking lot to reverse direction and head back to route 4, explaining that the truck was well over the yellow line.   Administrator Stevens has not drafted the letter as yet, it is on her to do list.  

Correction to the minutes of March 24, 2009: The lighting complaint of glare from the Weathervane is from residents on Limerick Drive and not Bailey Road as previously stated.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   4/14/09

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold